Our House Concert Series

Our House Concert Series presents touring artists from around the world performing music ranging from Americana, folk, bluegrass, roots, blues, jazz and World music in an intimate setting in a private home in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY (unless otherwise noted)
Doors open/Potluck dinner at 4:00 PM - Bring a dish!
Music starts promptly at 5:00 PM
All Shows – Suggested donation:
$20 in advance (plus processing fee) or $25 at the door
100% goes to the musician

Open seating.
Online orders end at midnight the Friday before the concert.
Donations are not refundable.
All online orders will be confirmed by email.
Concert address will be provided when reservation is confirmed.


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The Live@theUpstream Series presents local, regional and national touring artists from musical genres across the spectrum in an intimate setting in the

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Shows are generally on Friday or Saturday evenings
Seating is limited to 30 seats
Reserved seating $10 or $15 in advance (plus processing fee) or $15 or $20 at the door (unless otherwise noted)
Online orders end at midnight the day before the concert.
Donations are not refundable.
All online orders will be confirmed by email.


With the audience seated cabaret style on stage, this Series allows you to enjoy music up-close with concert hall sound in the beautiful and historic Tarrytown Music Hall. You experience the intimacy of a small venue with the backdrop of a beautiful theater. With just 60 seats, a connection is created with the artist as the musical energy builds.
Tickets are available through the Tarrytown Music Hall box office.

FAQs (about house concerts)

What Is a House Concert?

A house concert is a chance to experience live music in a warm and intimate environment. It’s when folks open their home and invite you into their living room to share in a performance by one of their favorite musicians. It's a chance to meet the performers and get them to sign and personalize their CDs. A house concert is also a great social evening with friends and neighbors.

We hold our shows in a private home for the added sense of warmth and intimacy that it lends to the performance. On occasion, we may hold a show outside.

Please note: Our house concert series is simply a name we chose to describe our private parties, in our private home. These parties are NOT a business nor are they a business related activity. They are strictly a hobby for us, and are simply gatherings of our friends and guests to enjoy live acoustic music, fellowship, food (a potluck buffet) and fun. Our concert parties are officially free (or else it might be considered a business), although voluntary contributions are accepted at the party on behalf of the artists. 100% of all contributions go directly to the performers. Our guests come by invitation only.

Why Would Anyone Do This?

We open up our home to our friends and neighbors because we want to share great music with them. There are few venues around here, where people can go to experience great music in such a close and friendly environment. Great music makes us happy and we want to share that with others around us. These events allow us to give exposure to some incredible musicians whose talents we truly believe in and wish to help promote.

What Do You Get Out of This?

We find it strange that some people can't believe we get no economic benefit for doing this. We do it simply for the love of the music. Really! We enjoy sharing great music with those around us. 100% of the suggested donation goes directly to the performers. For us, this is a hobby and we don't mind spending a little to keep our hobby going.

How Long Have House Concerts Been Around?

There is some debate on this, but House Concerts can be traced back to the Middle Ages when "wandering minstrels" would go from manor house to castle to farmstead, trading stories and songs for an evening's room and board. Certainly, in the 1800s, "parlor parties" were a very popular form of entertainment in theUnited States. The more modern "House Concert" probably evolved in the mid 1900s.

Doesn’t It Cost You Time & Money?

Yes, it costs us money to host these concerts. We spend money for soft drinks, food, paper plates, cups, napkins, fliers and more. We also spend a great deal of time for the planning and set up of each show, plus all the time sending and reading emails, talking to performers, agents, etc.

How Many People Can You Fit In Your Home?

We can seat about 40 people for our house concerts, but we anticipate that the number will fluctuate a bit. We could squeeze another 5 people, but we consider 40 to be a “full house”. We find that 40 or less people fit quite nicely before it starts feeling too crowded.

We will set up folding chairs for these evenings. If you want a “good” seat, you need to get here early and “reserve” your seat with a seat card we provide, while you shmooze and enjoy the potluck dinner offerings. It's a casual atmosphere and we imagine that most people who attend aren't really that concerned with seating. It's a nice room without a bad seat in the house.

We will save seats for people with special circumstances. If you are disabled, pregnant or in need of special seating for a physical reason, please let us know in advance so that we can reserve a space for you. Quiet and well-behaved children are welcome. We don’t have any pets, so anyone with dog/cat allergies should be comfortable as well. Also, please refrain from using any products with strong fragrances.

How Do You Pick Your Performers?

We pick our performers with a combination of the following five methods:
1. We meet many performers at concerts and festivals who have expressed an interest in performing. It’s just a matter of scheduling and availability!
2. We get unsolicited CDs, press kits, and EPKs from musicians around the world. Some weeks we get three or four contacts from artists. We try to listen to every CD that comes our way. There are an amazing number of talented people out there, but there is no way we can accommodate them all.
3. We get plenty of referrals from other artists, promoters and other house concert hosts around the country. If there is an artist you would like to see perform at any of our Series, or know an artist that you think would enjoy the opportunity, feel free to let us know.
4. Part of our schedule each year come from artists we have met through Tribes Hill, Clearwater Hudson River Revival Festival, Caramoor American Roots Music Festival, Falcon Ridge Folk Festival, NERFA, as well as other venues and festivals.
5. Lastly, we do sometimes contact musicians who we would like to perform at our series. There is something special about hosting a show for one of our long-time favorite artists.

Between these five categories, we have plenty of musicians and bands on our current list of people that we'd like to host a house concert for in the near future. Since we only host a handful of shows per year, we're pretty backlogged.

What Styles of Music Do You Host?

Each house concert series is a little different from all the others. Most seem to focus on a particular genre of music. Many of the house concerts we are aware of focus on folk or Americana music to one degree or another. Some are more singer-songwriter oriented. Our plan is to host folk, pop, rock, jazz and such, to provide a variety of musical styles. (Although we are not planning to host any classical music, there are house concerts that focus on that genre as well.) We lean primarily towards the singer-songwriters and Americana styles. The common thread in the artists we invite is that we really enjoy both the music and the performer.

When Are Your Upcoming Shows & Who Are Your Performers?

You can always keep up with our latest schedule here on our website or on our Facebook page.

By far, the best way to keep "in the know" is to sign up for the mailing list. No spam, no selling your address, nothing but announcements about our concerts, and occasionally we include info on other concerts in the area.

How Much Will This Cost Me?

We generally have a "voluntary suggested donation" of $20 per person in advance or $25 at the door. The reason we call it a "suggested donation" is that we are not a business. This is our home. We cannot really call it an "admission fee". Turning this into a business would create all sorts of extra work and expense on our part. We are simply having a party!

However, our "suggested donation" is still as close to being mandatory as we can make it. Without the money, we could not get the caliber of musicians who have graced our living room. We take reservations online - just click on the link below the artist’s name. We also find that some people want to give a little extra to help support our performers. Remember, 100% of the donations goes directly to the performers. Even better, buy a CD from the artist - the artist will autograph it if you ask nicely! Remember, artists get about six hundredth of a penny each time you listen to their song on a streaming service. It would take more than 2800 plays to equal the cost of the average CD. So, please support our performers by taking home a signed CD.

Do You Have Food?

Yes, we do. At each of our house concerts, we have a potluck style buffet. While it is not required for guests to contribute, it is encouraged. The more we have the more fun it is! We contribute coffee, tea, soda and water, so there is always something to enjoy. How big the buffet is depends upon how many people contribute that evening.

Please try to remember to take your bowls, platters and utensils with you. If you think you have left one here, please let us know and we will see about getting it back to you. Our best advice is to put a mailing address sticker on the bottom.

How Many People Are On Your Mailing List?

There are currently over 3000 people on our email list and 5000 on Facebook. We generally send out two emails each month that we have a show scheduled. The first will be an "invitation" to our next show, the other will be a "newsletter" - our next upcoming show, and about other local house concerts or whatever.

Where Are You Located?

We are in Hastings-on-Hudson, NY - just 12 miles north of NYC and just 6 miles south of the Tappan Zee Bridge. When you make your reservation for a House Concert, we will send you the address and specific directions and parking suggestions.

How Can I Attend?

Our shows tend to fill up pretty quickly, so to insure a seat, we suggest that you pay in advance, which will guarantee your reservation.

However, if you'd prefer to be added to our waiting list and to pay at the door (and risk being turned away if the show is sold out), send an email to peter@riverspiritmusic.com and tell us that would like to be added to our waiting list. Please be sure to specify which show and how many people will be joining you. If you have never been here before, you will need directions, so be sure to tell us where you are coming from!

We will send you a confirmation email telling you that we have added you to the waiting list. You should get that return email within 24 hours. If you have not received it, that means we did not get your email, so please try again. Only people who get a confirmation email from us will be on the waiting list. Then, generally a few days before the show, we send out a reminder, which also includes details, directions, and emergency contact info.

What If I Make A Reservation Then Cannot Attend?

PLEASE be sure to let us know. We anticipate that many of our house concerts will fill up weeks in advance, so there is a good chance that we will have a Waiting List for that show. If you made a reservation, but will not be able to attend, please be sure to let us know as soon as possible so that we can try to fill your seat with someone from the Waiting List. This is a courtesy to both the people on the Waiting List and to the performer - who would love to perform before a full house and depend on your donations to support their music.

Why Do You Need Reservations & Waiting Lists?

These are private parties in our living room and we have a limited amount of space. We use the Reservations List to be sure that we can fit everyone in. Being on the Waiting List does NOT guarantee a seat. We only have about 40 seats. If you want a seat, be sure to make your reservation online or get here early. Doors open one hour before our shows.

What Kind Of Environment Is The Evening?

Casual. We go for the warm and cozy feel. Dress is "Cozy Casual". Our home is a smoke free environment. We ask everyone to honor this and please keep all cigars, pipes and cigarettes outside. We do not generally provide any alcohol, but anything that is leftover from previous shows goes right back out for the next one. However, if people wish to bring wine or beer, we are fine with that so long as people use their own discretion; anyone who appears intoxicated in our home will be asked to leave and not to return.

Any Other Questions? Drop Us A Line!

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions that weren’t addressed here, you fill out the form on our contact page or shoot an email to peter@riverspiritmusic.com. We value your time and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can!

Previous Shows

House Concerts:

  • Joe Crookston (2018-2019 Series)

  • Barnaby Bright (2018-2019 Series)

  • Natalia Zukerman (2018-2019 Series)

  • Bettman & Halpin (2018-2019 Series)

  • Itamar Erez (2017-2018 Series)

  • The Young Novelists (2017-2018 Series)

  • Cole Nakoa & Treacher (2017-2018 Series)

  • Daisycutter (2017-2018 Series)

  • Jaimee Harris (2017-2018 Series)

  • The End of America (2017-2018 Series)

  • Cricket Blue (2017-2018 Series)

  • Brother Sun (2016-2017 Series)

  • Carrie Elkin (2016-2017 Series)

  • Ellis Paul (2016-2017 Series)

  • Jim Gaudet & the Railroad Boys (2016-2017 Series)

  • Kate Copeland (2016-2017 Series)

  • Porter Nickerson (2016-2017 Series)

  • Annika Bennett (2016-2017 Series)

  • The Kennedys (2016-2017 Series)

  • Guy Davis (2015-2016 Series)

  • Matt Nakoa (2015-2016 Series)

  • Joe Crookston (2015-2016 Series)

  • The Levins (2015-2016 Series)

  • Tracy Grammer (2015-2016 Series)

  • Liam Robinson & Jean Rohe (2015-2016 Series)

  • Radoslav Lorkavic (2014-2015 Series)

  • Jess Klein & Rod Picott (2014-2015 Series)

  • The Grahams (2014-2015 Series)

  • Suzzy Roche & Lucy Roche (2014-2015 Series)

  • Cliff Eberhardt (2014-2015 Series)

  • The Lords of Liechtenstein (2014-2015 Series)

  • Fred Gillen, Jr. & Friends (2013-2014 Series)

  • Nora Jane Struthers & The Party Line (2013-2014 Series)

  • Vance Gilbert (2013-2014 Series)

  • Lauren Fox (2013-2014 Series)

  • The Kennedys (2013-2014 Series)

  • Joe Crookston & The Bluebird Jubilee (2013-2014 Series)

  • Danny Schmidt with special guest Carrie Elkin (2013-2014 Series)

  • Trina Hamlin (2012-2013 Series)

  • Jonathan Byrd (2012-2013 Series)

  • Barnaby Bright (2012-2013 Series)

  • Eleanor Dubinsky/Talia Billig Band (2012-2013 Series)

  • Grace Pettis (2012-2013 Series)

  • The YaYas & Honor Finnegan (2012-2013 Series)

    Onstage Concert Series:

  • Clare Maloney (2018-2019 Series)

  • Joe Crookston and Anthony da Costa (2018-2019 Series)

  • Joe Jencks and Lara Herscovitch (2018-2019 Series)

    Microsessions at Mercy College:

  • Kam Ryn (2019 Series)

  • Cool Company (2019 Series)

  • Mosa (2019 Series)

    River Spirit Music & Arts Festival:

  • Armacost/Lepore/Petrosino (2019)

  • Pluck & Rail (2019)

  • Peter Calo (2019)

  • Deadgrass (2019)

  • The String Revolution (2019)

  • Skyfactor (2019)

  • James Maddock (2019)

  • The Bruce T. Carroll Band (2019)

  • Juice (2019)

  • The Black Capsule (2019)

  • All Wheel Drive (2019)

  • Ursula Hansberry (2019)

  • Riverrun (2019)

  • Ella Blicker (2019)

  • Joel Arnow (2019)

  • John Lang (2019)

  • Elston Gunnn (2019)

  • Greetings From Anywhere (2019)

  • Exit 12 (2019)

  • GoldenOak (2019)

  • Clare Maloney (2019)

  • Radio Prison (2019)

  • Martin Swinger (2019)

  • Jenny Murphy (2019)

  • Hastings Pink Pan-Thers Steel Pan Band (2018)

  • Eleanor Dubinsky and Her Band (2018)

  • Sir Cadian Rhythm (2018)

  • Radio Jarocho (2018)

  • Les Poules à Colin (2018)

  • Oak and Ash (2018)

  • Amy Lynn & the Honey Men (2018)

  • Skyfactor (2018)

  • The Slambovian Circus of Dreams (2018)

  • Caleb (2018)

  • Exit 12 (2018)

  • Greetings from Anywhere (2018)

  • Lara Herscovitch (2018)

  • Matt Turk (2018)

  • Push for Heat (2018)

  • Radio Prison (2018)

  • Rebecca Angel (2018)

  • Riverrun (2018)

    Waterfront Concert Series:

  • Birds of Chicago (2019)

  • The End of America (2019)

  • The Englishtown Project (2019)

  • RiverBash with Bash The Trash (2019)

  • Susan Werner (2018)

  • Trina Hamlin (2018)

  • Mark Morganelli (2018)

  • Eleanor Dubinsky Duo (2018)

  • Wess Meets West (2018)

  • Live Well (2018)

  • Dead Sage Presents The Englishtown Project (2018)

  • The Black Capsule (2018)

  • Upstate Rubdown (2018)

  • Jim Gaudet & The Railroad Boys (2018)

  • Bruce T. Carroll Band (2018)


  • David Janeway Trio (2018-2019 Series)

  • Wheels Off (2018-2019 Series)

  • Reverend Woodstock (2018-2019 Series)

  • The Promise is Hope (2018-2019 Series)

  • Endless Field (2018-2019 Series)

  • Peter Calo Trio (2018-2019 Series)

  • Blicker Blues Band (2018-2019 Series)

  • Tilly Foster (2018-2019 Series)

  • Tumbleweed Mile (2018-2019 Series)

  • Patti Rothberg (2018-2019 Series)

  • Doug Munro w/Vinny Raniolo (2017-2018 Series)

  • The Whispering Tree (2017-2018 Series)

  • Efrat (2017-2018 Series)

  • Nathans & Ronstadt (2017-2018 Series)

  • Tim Armacost Trio (2017-2018 Series)

  • Ilana Donna (2017-2018 Series)

  • The Greenheart (2017-2018 Series)

  • Dead Sage acoustic (2017-2018 Series)

  • Hiroya Tsukamoto (2017-2018 Series)

  • Lords of Liechtenstein/Marianne Osiel (2017-2018 Series)

  • Riverrun & Friends (2016-2017 Series)

  • RiverArts Music Tour (2016-2017 Series)

  • Susan Kane and Peter Calo (2016-2017 Series)

  • Dead Sage (2016-2017 Series)

  • Bruce Carroll (2016-2017 Series)

  • Fred Gillen Jr and Scoot Horton (2016-2017 Series)

  • Curtis & Carla (2016-2017 Series)

  • Pluck & Rail (2016-2017 Series)

  • Peter Calo (2016-2017 Series)

    Andrus On Hudson

  • Dead Sage & Friends, a Benefit Concert for the ACLU (2017)

    Whitby Castle at The Rye Golf Club

  • Solar Punch (2013)

  • Eleanor Dubinsky (2013)

  • The YaYas (2013)

  • The Levins (2013)

    Rainwater Grille 2010-2012

  • Patti Rothberg

  • Joe Iadanza & Carolann Solebello

  • Spuyten Duyvil with The Newton Gang

  • Brian Dolzani with Sam Kuslan

  • Tim Armacost/Yutaka Shiina Special Quartet

  • Nick Fanelli's American Ax Guitar Clinic

  • Rastus Kain & His Band

  • Bereznak Brothers Band with The Joshua Panda Band

  • Riley Etheridge, Jr.

  • Arlon Bennett and Annie Dinerman

  • Stella Blue's Band with special guest Kat Walkerson of Legion of Jerry

  • Old No. 7

  • Matt The Electrician

  • Catherine Miles

  • Acoustic Riverrun (Adam Hart and Ken Tuccillo)

  • Imagine (There's No Hunger): A Benefit Celebrating the Music of John Lennon

  • Pacifico

  • Doug Munro

  • Howard Jennings

  • Caleb Flood-Goldstick

  • Dion Roy with Peter Roessler

  • Orphic Dream (Erin Powers & Ben McLoughlin)

    Hastings Station Cafe 2010

  • Gretchen Witt

  • Richard Geller

  • Loretta Hagen with Gary Hagen and Sara Gallman

Our cultural partners


artist Submission

Fields marked with an * are required

Thank you for your interest in performing for River Spirit Music. Please fill out this form to be considered to perform at a River Spirit Music venue. Please be aware that we book artists well in advance but there are occasions where there may be immediate bookings due to schedule changes or additional events.